
National Reform Programme - Belgium 2011

This national Reform Programme covers priority actions undertaken by the Federal Authority, the Regions and Communities to address the social and economic concerns pinpointed in the context of the Europe 2020 strategy. These actions are designed to achieve the five Europe 2020 strategy objectives and are consistent with the European priority objectives highlighted during the 24-25 March European Council and the Euro Plus Pact (see Annex I). The actions featured in the National Reform Programme complement the stability programme in terms of the macro-economic component and complement the sustainable development strategy in the case of the overall strategy.

 15/04/2011    NRP 2011   NRP

Les cinq objectifs dans le cadre de la stratégie Europe 2020 - Etude préliminaire
De vijf doelstellingen in het kader van de Europa 2020 strategie - Beleidsvoorbereidende studie

One of the essential and most visible components of the Europe 2020 strategy consists of five targets Europe should reach by 2020. In the European council it was agreed upon that each country should define its own quantitative targets, taking into account their relative starting positions and national specific conditions.

 04/04/2011    TGT 2020   Misc